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What are you grateful for?

We asked Hennepin Healthcare staff to share what they are grateful for. By sharing our gratitude with each other, we build connections and improve the Hennepin Healthcare experience for all.

"I’m thankful for the opportunity to serve as your interim CEO and do what I can to support our team of 7,000 strong as you do your best work. I’m thankful for the dedication and commitment that I see every day across our system. I’m thankful for the colleagues that I’ve learned from over these past 10 months and throughout my long career at Hennepin. And, most importantly, I’m thankful for a wonderful family that puts up with me!" - Dr. John Cumming, Interim CEO

"I am grateful for my colleagues, those folks who put a smile on my face each day I am here at Hennepin. Because I work with so many amazing colleagues, I feel joy because I experience your laughter, I feel grateful for your thoughtfulness and I feel enriched by being around your infectious energy. I am lucky to come to a place that works so hard for our patients, that I want to say just how much I appreciate all the teams that I work with here at Hennepin! Thanks, you are the best!" - J.K.

"I am grateful for my "family" in the Urology clinic." - L.B.

"I am grateful for another day every morning and for a great team to work with :)" - R.L.

"I am grateful to be 28+ years cancer FREE! I am grateful for my husband, my dog, my family and my friends. I am grateful for my job with Hennepin Healthcare." Thank you. - J.A.

"I am grateful to have a job that I enjoy coming to where I get to work with coworkers who are committed, competent, great people. I am incredibly grateful to have a wonderful, supportive boss. And to have a warm house and people I love to come home to every day." - K.B.

"I am grateful for the entire care team at the CSC Pediatric Clinic. Thank you for taking such wonderful care of my son (and his mom)." - J.L.

"I am grateful for great health insurance. I've accepted it: I'm no longer young and invincible! I've had the opportunity to work with many of our compassionate, talented providers to diagnose, treat and support my and my family's health and wellbeing." - M.C.

"I am grateful for the kind and compassionate cancer center team I work with and their dedication to the patients and going the extra step to address any barriers to cancer care. It is a privilege to work with oncology patients and the daily life lessons I learn from them is very humbling." - K.P.

"I am so grateful to be doing an Internship in the Addiction Medicine department, after having my own issues with addiction. If you would have told me that I would be here helping others 7 years ago, I would have laughed. After using meth and heroin for over 25 years, to be on the other side helping is truly an amazing gift. Thank you for the opportunity." - G.R.

"I am so grateful for our amazing patients and for the trust that they put in us." - L.L.

"I am grateful for the love and support of family and friends, my health being restored, food, shelter and the wonderful dogs I have been blessed to rescue." - D.R.

"I am grateful for the nursing staff on STN 4, RTU, G3 ortho and in the ED who expertly and compassionately cared for me recently when I so needed it. I will always be grateful to them." - M.L.

"I am grateful to be able to work with amazing staff, providers and colleagues. I am humbled every day by all the amazing work that everyone is doing and feel blessed to have the opportunity to participate in this important work for the community we serve and learn from everyone around me." - M.J.

"I am grateful to be living my life with all of its blessings and challenges praying for those with many more hardships and challenges. Grateful for my job at HCMC and the opportunity to help people and make a difference in their life, especially the most vulnerable. I'm grateful for my family and their health and each moment I get to spend with them." - M.B.

"I am grateful for all of the amazing leaders and colleagues I've crossed paths with at Hennepin Healthcare. I been granted nothing but great opportunities to work along side with such passionate and enthusiastic people. THANK YOU for always putting your best foot forward to make a difference! :)" - K.Y.

"I am grateful for the deep knowledge of our many excellent specialists and the breadth of knowledge of our primary care teams -- together we got this!!" - K.E.

"I am thankful for phased retirement. Still can share the job of taking care of our great patients." - S.E.

"I am grateful for our patients, who remind me every day of the many reasons to express my gratitude to my patients, coworkers, family and friends. At HCMC I'm grateful for our Social Workers, who make miracles happen every day. For our residents, who give us the best of their knowledge, energy and enthusiasm even after 36-hour shifts, and the staff who inspire them. I'm grateful for the nursing staff, who treat every patient as if they were family, and the HCAs who do the same. I'm grateful for the PSCs who welcome us all to the unit and make sure even the minute details are not missed. I'm grateful for the maintenance and housekeeping staff who keep this huge campus running and so clean! The kitchen staff who are always making great meals, and are willing to think out of the box to make difficult diets more palatable. The chaplains who tend to the spirit of our patients and families and keep them going through the most difficult of time. The Child Life Specialists who make everything less scary. Our welcome desk staff who make sure people find their way. The managers who take the bigger problems and solve them, and the unions who advocate for staff so we can focus on our patients. Thank you all for your extraordinary efforts every, single, day." - M.F.

"I am thankful for my family and friends and am grateful to work for a wonderful healthcare facility. I have learned and grown so much in just under a year and am grateful to be a part of a fantastic team." - N.S.

"I’m grateful to be a part of an incredible 7,000 strong team! This year, I’m exceedingly thankful for our amazing NICU team, who provided exceptional care for my son Jack for the first 16 days of his life." - E.B.

"I am grateful for my exceptional colleagues in the Positive Care Center, and for the patients who entrust us with their care." - R.S.

"I am grateful for my health, my family and their health, an amazing support system at work and at home, freedom to roam the earth and live out my dreams. Access to basic needs and then some. Giving and receiving random acts of kindness. The opportunity to work for HHS and make a mark on the world with a team of brilliant people that are hungry to reach success at unseen heights." - C.R.

"I am thankful, that my family is healthy and happy, I'm thankful for great friends and a wonderful place to work. Life is great!!" - C.I.

"I am THANKFUL every second of every day that I get to spend with people I LOVE! Life is so very precious. Always smile at someone you never know what it could mean for them." - M.B.

"I am profoundly grateful every day for the opportunity to work alongside an incredible team of staff, providers and leaders. There is no place like Hennepin Healthcare! I send warm Thanksgiving wishes to everyone!" - S.O.

"For the fulfillment that working here gives to my life, have been here for 36 years!!!! and this clinic and its patients feel like a home and family to me, I am grateful for that and a thousand things more :)" - M.H.

"I am grateful for the compassionate caregivers at Hennepin Healthcare, the dedicated Medical Staff Office team, and for the opportunity to work in an organization that provides outstanding patient care." - S.S.

"So much gratitude to be a part of remarkable organization that truly lives its mission to those we serve! I and am humbled everyday by our teams genuine "commitment to caring" within in the Community Connections Care Ring, across all departments, and throughout the continuum. I am thankful for partnerships, innovation, vision and the resources that enable us to do this sacred work. For those simple unexpected and wonderful "moments of grace" that connect our hearts as family and friends- it is for that, that I am truly the most grateful." - C.G.

"I am grateful for my almost 7 years at Hennepin Healthcare and the wonderful team and staff I partner with across the organization. I am also so very grateful for my husband Jay and our daughter Eva. Happy Thanksgiving!" - B.A.

"I am grateful for my Job in the NICU, the cheap insurance HCMC provides me and my son, the great care my son receives her at the new CSC, and my family who support me so I can work these long hours to provide for him. I am a Lucky Hockey Mom." - D.S.

"I am thankful for my wonderful family and the journey we are on together, the opportunity to make a difference each and every day, co-workers who give their best, teams who support each other and our patients, and of course my furry friends." - M.J.

"I am grateful for my mind, body and soul and the ability to speak, walk, and talk for myself! I am grateful for being able to get up every day and come to work so I can make someone else's day better by making medical appointments for them and making them laugh. I have wonderful people to work with too." - F.B.

"I'm grateful for the perspective this job and my patients have given me over the years. For example: snowmaggedon 2019 is supposed to arrive tonight, but after seeing some really sick patients today, I'm just grateful for my health, my family, my home, & a car to commute in- even if the roads are absolutely awful 😉 " - A.C.

"When I look back on my career lens in social services. I feel really happy and emotionally full, although most days contain ups and downs. I’m extremely thankful for my career and making a difference in our patients’ life. I thank them every day with the trust they build with me and the lessons they teach me. Realizing on a daily basis how much I have to be grateful for in regards to my own life. My family, health and being able to wake up every day to make a difference." - M.A.

"I am grateful for having a great place to work and staff who appreciate me. I am grateful for having good health to come and take care of my patients." - L.C.

"I am grateful for the fact that every day I come to work I can make a change and put a smile on patients' faces. Plus I work with an AWESOME staff here at the Richfield Clinic." - C.W.

"I am grateful for my awesome OD team. Their talents and devotion to our "craft" inspire me daily. I couldn't do it without you guys!" - T.K.

"I am grateful for my family's health and for being part of Hennepin Healthcare! Happy Holidays all! :)" - L.J.

"I am grateful for health insurance as a .5. I am grateful for my coworkers who always support and acknowledge my work at Augustana. And for the continued positive spirit I feel at HCMC. Thank you for my great work environment. I am grateful for the excellent communication at HCMC." - M.F.

"I am grateful of my team and their support, for the providers and staff we work with to tell our patient's stories, and for all our donors that help us meet our mission." - M.L.

"I am grateful for my family, my great neighbors, and my colleagues at Hennepin Healthcare. It means so much to me to have support and respect at work. I look forward to coming to work!" - L.B.