ECHO Resources

MOUD Basics


Patients in Pain



Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors

Trauma-Informed Care


Access all MN Community ECHO presentations and resources at Hennepin Healthcare. These include:

  • Integrated Opioid and Addiction Care ECHO
  • Midwest Tribal ECHO
  • MN Community Collaboration on Viral Hepatitis
  • Perinatal Substance Use ECHO Presentations
  • Race Equity and Opioid Use ECHO
  • Resources for MAT Clinics





Katia Chernyshov Contact

Katia Chernyshov

Project Manager

Hennepin Integrated Opioid and Addiction Care ECHO

[email protected]

Esther Mwangi

Esther Mwangi

Project Coordinator

Trauma Informed Care and Health Equity ECHO

Integrative Pain Care ECHO

Racism and Substance Use ECHO

Community Health Worker and Peer Recovery Specialist ECHO(s)

[email protected]

Spielbauer Diane, echo project coordinator

Diane Spielbauer

Project Coordinator

MN Community Collaboration on Viral Hepatitis ECHO
[email protected]

This project is possible, fully or in part, as a result of grant funding recommended by the Opioid Epidemic Response Advisory Council (OERAC) and/or the Minnesota Department of Human Services. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the official policies the Minnesota Department of Human Services; nor mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the state of Minnesota.