ECHO Resources

MOUD in Office/Outpatient Settings

MOUD in Office/Outpatient Settings

Primary Care/Collaborative Care Models

Health Care Home

Hub and Spoke

Pharmacist-led MAT programs

  • Physician-pharmacist collaborative care model for buprenorphine-maintained opioid-dependent patients. (DiPaula BA, Menachery E. Physician-pharmacist collaborative care model for buprenorphine-maintained opioid-dependent patients. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2015 Mar-Apr;55(2):187-92.): In this pharmacist-physician collaborative care model, pharmacists conducted intake assessments and follow-up appointments with patients taking buprenorphine in order to further expand access to treatment. This program demonstrated 100% 6-month retention rates and 73% 12-month retention rates with an estimated cost savings of $22,000. Data from this pilot was then used to develop a permanent program utilizing this model.
  • Rhode Island Study to Offer Medication-Assisted Treatment at Pharmacies (Codac Behavioral Healthcare): In Rhode Island, a grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse is being used to allow patients to receive addiction care at a community pharmacy. Through this program, patients receive their initial prescription from a physician and, when stable, a pharmacist will take over their care, including conducting toxicology swabs to determine adherence and providing motivational counseling. Participants reported increased convenience and comfort with receiving addiction care at their local pharmacy.

Mobile MAT


Clinical presentations and tools/templates

Initial Screening/Assessment


Withdrawal Scales

Drug Accountability Forms (if dosing in office)

Ongoing Treatment

  • Progress Note Example (Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS)): Go to Clinical Forms-Ongoing Treatment-click on the document
  • Protocol for Follow-up Appointments (Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS)): Go to Clinical Forms-Ongoing Treatment-click on the document
  • Follow-Up Appointments (Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS)): Go to Clinical Forms-Ongoing Treatment-click on the document
  • Billing Information (Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS)): Go to Clinical Forms-Ongoing Treatment-click on the document


Katia Chernyshov Contact

Katia Chernyshov

Project Manager

Hennepin Integrated Opioid and Addiction Care ECHO

[email protected]

Esther Mwangi

Esther Mwangi

Project Coordinator

Trauma Informed Care and Health Equity ECHO

Integrative Pain Care ECHO

Racism and Substance Use ECHO

Community Health Worker and Peer Recovery Specialist ECHO(s)

[email protected]

Spielbauer Diane, echo project coordinator

Diane Spielbauer

Project Coordinator

MN Community Collaboration on Viral Hepatitis ECHO
[email protected]

This project is possible, fully or in part, as a result of grant funding recommended by the Opioid Epidemic Response Advisory Council (OERAC) and/or the Minnesota Department of Human Services. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the official policies the Minnesota Department of Human Services; nor mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the state of Minnesota.