Juma M.'s Story

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Juma M.

The staff at this hospital should be commended for their hard work and dedication, but more importantly, for their humanity.

When a person is facing the challenges of debilitating painful symptoms, in many cases staring mortality directly in the face, empathetic caregivers can make all the difference in the world. Such a confrontation with our own frailty is beyond frightening, both for patients and their families. The overworked and underpaid nurses, aides, and doctors at Hennepin Hospital demonstrated attentiveness and professionalism that was unparalleled; helping those in their charge to navigate terrifying uncharted terrain. I am writing this note to express my deep gratitude for the people who literally held my hand and helped to mend me. This is no easy feat, as being exposed to consistent illnesses and various devastating emotional traumas can take its toll on even the most stoic caregivers tasked with administering treatments.

The staff at this hospital should be commended for their hard work and dedication, but more importantly, for their humanity. I would like to make special mention of Inga, Payman, Dennis, Aftec, Sue, the Tenzin duos, and a list of others whose contact with me was brief, but profound. Apologies for misspellings or names I have not mentioned, but thank you from the bottom of my heart, and know that the work you do has incalculable value.