Close Up Shot Of Three Friends Embracing Each Other, heals on wheels, chronic pain management, holistic pain management, integrative pain management, alternative strategy for pain
Heals On Wheels Lockup Final

Heals on Wheels

Bringing whole-person, integrative care directly to communities in need

Community Programs for Integrative Chronic Pain Management

These community workshops feature a multidisciplinary team of integrative health providers teaching holistic strategies for chronic pain management. All of these workshops are held in community spaces – we bring the care to you!

If you think your organization would be a good fit for a Heals on Wheels workshop, please contact [email protected]

Our team continuously uses community feedback to develop and refine the curriculum to give back to the community. View further details about these workshops below.

Short, 45-90 min workshops providing a “taste” of integrative pain care.

A 4-week series of workshops offering a deeper dive into holistic strategies for chronic pain management.

If you think your organization would be a good fit for a Heals on Wheels Appetizer or Light Lunch workshop, please contact [email protected]

“Full Meal” - Easing Pain Group Medical Visits

Access the Group Medical Visits page
A series of eight, 2-hour long shared medical appointments providing education, experiential activities, and community support for people who experience chronic pain. Together the group explores various mind/body/spirit/environment strategies to manage and treat chronic pain and support the body’s natural healing capacity.

  • Easing Pain Holistically: Muscle and Joint Pain
  • Easing Pain Holistically: Headaches
  • Easing Pain Holistically: Emotions and Chronic Pain

Integrative Palliative Care

A pilot program, currently in development, bringing holistic services to families in need of palliative care.

If you would like more information or would like to enroll in one of the Group Medical Visits, please contact [email protected]

Heals on Wheels Resource Buffet

The Minnesota Non-Opioid Pain Alleviation Information Network website (NOPAINMN.ORG), is designed for anyone to find evidence-based non-opioid and non-pharmacological pain treatment methods, options, and qualified providers throughout the state. Medical providers can use the website for patient care information or referrals.  Patients can use the website to locate providers, identify resources for self-management, and/or discuss treatment options with their medical providers.

View the Integrative Pain Care and Trauma Informed Care & Health Equity fliers on the ECHO program page.

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Heals on Wheels Team

The Heals on Wheels Program is made possible by funding from the State of Minnesota, The Minnesota Visiting Home Nurses Association, and the George Family Foundation.

This project is possible, fully or in part, as a result of grant funding recommended by the Opioid Epidemic Response Advisory Council (OERAC) and/or the Minnesota Department of Human Services. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the official policies the Minnesota Department of Human Services; nor mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the state of Minnesota.