Center for Hyperbaric Medicine re-accredited “with distinction”

by Hennepin Healthcare

Congratulations to the Center for Hyperbaric Medicine for recently achieving re-accreditation “with distinction” from the Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine Society (UHMS)!

In addition to being the accrediting agency for hyperbaric chambers recognized by The Joint Commission, the UHMS is the primary source of scientific information for diving and hyperbaric medicine physiology worldwide.

HCMC’s 2-day survey took place in March and included over 600 checkpoints for the program, resulting in re-accreditation “with distinction” which means the program can be called a “Center of Excellence.”

HCMC has the only multi-chamber hyperbaric oxygen facility in the region that’s used for 24/7 emergency treatment of critically ill patients: usually victims of carbon monoxide exposure or life-threatening infections, but also cerebral gas embolism and decompression sickness (“the bends”).

Congratulations to everyone on the Center for Hyperbaric Medicine team for this excellent achievement!