HCMC receives Prevention Care Recognition Award

by Hennepin Healthcare

Award recipients, HCMC receives Prevention Care Recognition Award, practice facilitation grant, Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement, Stratis Health, Prevention Care Recognition Award

Left to right: Jairo Molina, Gao Vang, Dr. Ndidiamaka N. Koka, Janeth Guerra De Patino

Hennepin County Medical Center (HCMC) recently received the Prevention Care Recognition Award from HealthPartners’ Partners in Quality Program. The award recognizes primary care and specialty groups for making major changes to their current processes resulting in persistent, sustainable change for preventive care screening improvement.

The award was based on the process and performance improvement work currently being done at HCMC’s East Lake Clinic through a practice facilitation grant in partnership with the Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI) and Stratis Health. The clinic focused on the process for caring for adults and children with asthma and how they could improve interventions.

“The goal of our work was to implement changes in our processes so that patients with asthma could receive seamless care and avoid complications,” said Gao Vang, Health Care Quality Improvement Coordinator at East Lake Clinic. “This work was a comprehensive team effort and we’re so pleased to be recognized with this award.”

Vang and the East Lake clinical staff members played an instrumental part that has led to improved clinical processes and ultimately, improved patient outcomes. There is an extension of the grant that will bring these changes to HCMC’s Brooklyn Center and Golden Valley Clinics in the coming months.