Announcement of Vacancies on the Board of Directors of Hennepin Healthcare System, Inc.

by Hennepin Healthcare

Contact: Tom Hayes 612-873-3337

A process is now under way to review and recommend candidates to fill up to four three-year terms on the Hennepin Healthcare System, Inc. (HHS) Board of Directors, beginning in January 2018. HHS, doing business as Hennepin County Medical Center, is a public corporation operated as a subsidiary of Hennepin County. Its purpose is to engage in the organization and delivery of health care and related services to the general public, including the indigent, and to conduct related programs of education and research.

Potential candidates will be considered by the Executive and Governance Committee of the HHS Board of Directors, whose recommendations will be considered by the full HHS Board. That Board will recommend a slate of candidates for these positions that will be forwarded to the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners for its consideration and vote to either approve or reject the slate.

The statute creating HHS provides that members of the board shall possess a high degree of experience and knowledge in relevant fields and possess a high degree of interest in the corporation and support for its mission. Members shall be appointed based in part on the objective of ensuring that the corporation includes diverse and beneficial perspectives and experience including, but not limited to, those of medical or other health professionals, urban, cultural and ethnic perspectives of the population served by the corporation, business management, law, finance, health sector employees, public health, serving the uninsured, health professional training, and the patient or consumer perspective.

Interested persons should send a letter and their resume to the Executive and Governance Committee, c/o Craig Caldwell-Krizan, S6, Hennepin Healthcare System, Inc., 701 Park Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55415-1676, to be received no later than Friday, October 6, 2017.

More information about the corporation can be found at