mom with her daughters, resources for teens, resources for parents and caregivers, teen sexual health info, teen health support

Resources for Teens and their Parents/Caregivers

Website Resources

  • Hennepin County’s resources for youth: Every young person’s journey to adulthood is different. Find out how Hennepin County can help them get the right help at the right time (economic help, health/wellness, housing, education, employment, safety, legal help, IDs)
  • WeRNative is for Native Youth, by Native Youth, and provides information about body, mind, relationships, sexual health, family, and culture.
  • BlackYouthProject is a platform that highlights the voices and ideas of Black millennials. “Through knowledge, voice, and action, we work to empower and uplift the lived experiences of young Black Americans today.”
  • Adolescent and School Health from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention CDC
  • US Office of Adolescent Health This resource focuses on how adolescents develop and the issues they may face as they mature. Featured resources provide more information on specific topics in adolescent health.
  • TeensHealth, from Nemours, is “a safe, private place for teens who need honest, accurate information and advice about health, emotions, and life.” It includes sections on drugs & alcohol, body, mind, sexual health, food and fitness, diseases & conditions, school & jobs, sports, and staying safe. KidsHealth is a companion site for younger kids.
  • provides helpful, healthy information about women’s health and female-specific issues. The topics covered are fitness; nutrition; illness and disability; drugs, alcohol, and smoking; your feelings; relationships; bullying; safety; your future; and environmental health.
  • and are educational health sites produced by Children’s Hospital Boston. They include health guides on a wide range of topics, including general physical health, emotional health, and sexual health.
  • Safe Kids Worldwide: Safe Kids Worldwide® is a nonprofit organization working to help families and communities keep kids safe from injuries.
  • Bicycle Safety: Here, you’ll learn bicycle safety tips and rules of the road, from properly fitting your helmet to driving defensively and predictably
  • Traumatic brain injury prevention: The Traumatic Brain Injury Center at Hennepin Healthcare offers comprehensive, multidisciplinary patient care, education, and research to serve people who have sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI).
  • Gun Safety We need to take extra precautions when kids are in an environment where guns are present.
  • Hennepin Healthcare Gender and Sexual Health Clinic is a unique and welcoming clinic providing primary care and mental health care to children, adolescents, and young adults who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, gender-questioning or gender-nonconforming.
  • Outfront MN: Minnesota’s Largest LGBTQ+ advocacy organization. It offers practical tools for the LGBTQ+ community, including change of sex in official documents, changing names, domestic partner registration, and more.
  • Tool for LGBTQ+ teens, by LGBTQ+ teens and their allies: IMI Guides built for and with LGBTQ+ teens to help people explore their identity and support their mental health. imi was created through a collaboration of LGBTQ+ organizations, and hundreds of LGBTQ+ young people from across the country
  • Centerlink – Find LGBTQ+ centers. CenterLink is the Community of LGBTQ Centers - for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender services and community.
  • Online community for LGBTQ+ youth: QChat Space Find and give support, have fun, connect around shared interests, and get good information. Chat with like-minded peers in live chats designed for you & by you, facilitated by folks who care.
  • MN Q Youth: offers support, referrals, resources, training, and connections about and for LGBTQA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and ally) youth – who are or have experienced abuse or mistreatment – and for their families, caregivers, professionals, and others who care about them.
  • The Trevor Project: suicide prevention among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer 
& questioning young people. They provide information & support to LGBTQ 
young people 24/7, all year round.
  • Gender Spectrum: Gender Spectrum works to create gender-sensitive and inclusive environments for all children and teens. They offer online groups, events, and consulting.
  • LGBTQ+ youth mentorship - QUEERSPACE collective- Minnesota: free youth-centric intergenerational mentorship program creating inclusive spaces for LGBTQ+ youth and LGBTQ+ adults to connect as their authentic selves. Through in-person and virtual 1:1 mentoring and group events, LGBTQ+ youth develop increased self-esteem and a greater sense of belonging, cultural identity, and pride.
  • Reclaim: financially accessible, specialized mental health care for queer and trans youth in Minnesota.
  • Start meeting LGBTQ friends today! TrevorSpace is an affirming international community for LGBTQ young people ages 13-24. Sign up and start a conversation now.
  • GLSEN works to ensure that LGBTQ+ students are able to learn and grow in a school environment free from bullying and harassment. The website offers various programs, resources, and tips for students and educators.
  • is an interactive website for LBGTQ+ teens with various activities to help navigate identities and support mental health.
  • Q Chat Space is a digital LGBTQ + center where you can join live chat, and professionally facilitated, discussion groups.
  • Minneapolis Park & Rec: You can:
    • Borrow FREE equipment and supplies to explore and enjoy Minneapolis parks.
    • Use the Spark’d Studios, the unique, multimedia, creative studios located at recreation centers to provide opportunities for young people to explore creative fields and gain hands-on experience developing their own creative portfolios with a professional studio specialist.
    • Join the Youthline Outreach Mentorship Youthline which engages youth ages 12-17 in positive leadership experiences and recreational activities while connecting them to adult mentors in the parks.
    • Participate in the Nite Owlz extended night-time teen programming at various recreation centers. Activities may include an open gym, cooking, computer labs, and more.
    • Participate in the Village Parks which is a unique cultural, linguistic diversity and leadership program for youth ages 14-18.
    • Sign up for sports leagues to learn new skills and friendships in a fun and safe environment guided by knowledgeable and supportive coaches.
    • Attend the Pop-Up Parks that burst with music, art, games, crafts, books, dance, and more, and “pop-ups” in neighborhoods throughout Minneapolis.
    • Belong to Global Quest, a unique language and culture leadership program. A collaboration between Concordia Language Villages and Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board, Global Quest provides free, high-quality out-of-school youth development for motivated, talented, and culturally diverse middle school students from Minneapolis.
    • Be part of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Youth Advisory Council is a select group of youth leaders to guide and influence recreation programs, youth employment, and athletic decisions.
  • Golden Valley Youth Recreation offers:
    • HomeRECed: HomeRECed is a free Golden Valley Parks & Recreation program that can be enjoyed in the comfort of your own home or wherever you choose.
    • Noah Joynes Youth Recreation Fund Noah's Fund provides financial support for youth to participate in recreational and educational activities, programs, athletics, lessons, and events in a safe, supportive, and positive environment. It also supports the improvement or addition of community youth recreation facilities.
    • Special Youth Events: Special youth event programs include, Friday Fun Days, Water Days, Penny Carnival, Puppet Wagon, Winterfest, and many more.
    • Youth Athletic Associations & Leagues Youth leagues provide competitive sports play for youth in Golden Valley.
  • Brooklyn Park Teen Programs offer after school programs, summer programs, and meals for free
  • Richfield Recreation Programs Guide
  • Parks & Recreation Programs | Saint Paul Minnesota Saint Paul Parks and Recreation and its partner organizations offer many programs including information on activities and programs specifically tailored for those with mental and physical disabilities, free meals info, no-school days programs, summer camps, and teen centers.
  • Proud2BME is an online community created by and for teens, to promote positive body images about food and weight.
  • Exercise, fitness, food labels, and more on Safe Teens.
  • BAM! Food and Nutrition gets kids, ages 9-13, up to speed on healthy eating habits. This CDC site has interactive games and quizzes based on national education standards for science and health.
  • TeensHealth, parent/caregiver section from Nemours, is “a safe, private place for teens who need honest, accurate information and advice about health, emotions, and life.” It includes sections on drugs & alcohol, body, mind, sexual health, food & fitness, diseases & conditions, school & jobs, sports, and staying safe.
  • Center for Parent and Teen Communication (CPTC). The CPTC “helps parents raise teens prepared to thrive. Adolescence is a time of opportunity and parents matter more than ever”. They “strive to ensure every caring adult has the knowledge and skills to promote positive youth development and foster strong family connections”.
  • Essentials for Parenting Teens between the ages of 11 and 17, CDC – Parents
  • and are educational health sites produced by Children’s Hospital Boston with a section for parents and caregivers. They include health guides on a wide range of topics, including general physical health, emotional health, and sexual health.
  • Parents Guide: How To Help Your Teen Cope With Mental Health Issues
  • Parents Guide for Safe Youtube and Internet Streaming for Kids
  • Safety Tips & Advice
  • Be an askable parent Educating a child about sexual health is an important part of their healthy development. Their early understanding of sex, love, intimacy, and their own sexuality can help mold their values, behavior, and self-image for a lifetime. a lifetime. American Sexual Health Association
  • Advocates for Youth Resources for parents. Recommendations on how to talk about gender, healthy relationships, race, and more!
  • Planned Parenthood for parents There is no better resource than a supportive parent. You do not need to be an expert, just need to be willing to talk AND listen. Planned Parenthood is here to show you how to be your kid’s go-to resource for answers and advice, from pre-K to college.
  • Amaze (Parents) Provides medically accurate and age-appropriate Sex Ed for all adolescents as determined by Parents, Teachers, and Medical Professionals
  • Teen Addiction (The Village): Learn the signs of teen drug use and what to do if you find any of these signs.
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse Finds the latest science-based information about drug use, health, and the developing brain. These resources inspire learning and encourage critical thinking so parents can support teens to make informed decisions about drug use and their health.
  • National Helpline (SAMSHA): SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.
  • Suicide Prevention When do the normal ups and downs of adolescence become something to worry about? How can you know if suicide is a risk for your family? And if you are worried about it, what can you do?
  • Sex Positive Families: provides the education and resources that help families raise sexually healthy children.
  • Power to Decide: their mission is to advance sexual and reproductive well-being for all by providing trusted information, expanding access to quality services, and catalyzing culture change.
  • The American Sexual Health Association (a.k.a. ASHA) believes that everyone has the right to information and services that will help them be sexually healthy. Their website aims to provide information and resources that are reliable, science-based, and stigma-free.
  • Advocates for Youth partners with young people and their adult allies to champion youth rights to bodily autonomy and build power to transform policies, programs, and systems to secure sexual health and equity for all youth.
  • US Office of Adolescent Health – Reproductive Health. This resource focuses on reproductive health and addresses the reproductive processes, functions, and systems at all stages across the lifespan.
  • Planned Parenthood: From abortion services to trained sexual health educators or chatbots that can answer your questions about your sexual health, you will be able to find anything related to sexual health on this website.
  • ScarleTeen: Sex Ed for the real world. Inclusive, comprehensive, supportive sexuality and relationships info for teens and emerging adults
  • Bedsider: The best place to find all the information you need to know about contraceptive methods. They even have an interactive birth control method explorer to help you find a method that fits your body and your life.
  • Sex Etc. Helps teens with answers to their questions about sex, relationships, pregnancy, STIs, birth control, sexual orientation, gender identity, and more! They have comprehensive sex ed information including:
  • I Wanna Know: offers information on sexual health for teens and young adults. This is where you will find the facts, the support, and the resources to answer your questions, and referrals, and get access to in-depth information about sexual health, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), healthy relationships, and more. Check the Myths and Facts they have!
  • Love Is Respect: Preventing unhealthy relationships and intimate partner violence
  • Minnesota Family Planning & STI Hotline serves the entire state of Minnesota. The Hotline provides reliable, medically accurate, and confidential information via phone, text, and web chat. The Minnesota Department of Health sponsors the hotline services, and it is operated by the Family Tree Clinic in Minneapolis.
  • “Amaze takes the awkward out of growing up. Fun, animated videos empowering healthy relationships worldwide, with all the answers youth want to know about their body”. Aimed for people between 5-8th grade.
  • Condom Effectiveness (CDC): Here people can learn how to use a condom and other barriers, and how effective they are.
  • What are condoms? (WebMD) All the info needed about condoms.
  • My self My Health (Hennepin County) For anyone wanting to know how a confidential reproductive health visit would go. This website walks you through the process and provides information about all the clinics where adolescent-friendly care is offered.

Social Media Resources

Reproductive Health

  • Between Us Program provides teen-friendly sexual & adolescent health education and education for parents of teens in English & Spanish.
    Instagram: betweenushealthmn
  • Dr. Carlton: Dr. Carlton Thomas is a gay board-certified GI MD who promotes sex positivity by “maximizing our sexual well-being with harm reduction and guidance on how to protect ourselves and our community.” His content covers anything from anal fissures, bottoming, PrEP/PEP, DoxyPEP, and immunizations
    TikTok @DoctorCarlton
    Instagram doctorcarlton
  • Sex Ed Files: Inclusive, shame-free sex education for all! Answering anonymous questions from students and followers.
    TikTok @sexedfiles
    Instagram: sexedfiles
  • Sex Ed with Lydia: Lydia Collins is a writer and sexual health educator with a focus on HIV prevention in African, Caribbean, and Black (ACB) communities, and decolonial consent education.
    TikTok @sexedwithlydia
    Instagram: sexedwithlydia
  • Dr. Jennifer Lincoln: board-certified OB/GYN, is bringing the health class and sex ed you wish you had in high school directly to YOU. She uses social media to bring the FACTS about bodies: *Periods *Birth control *Sex and more!
    TikTok: @DrJenniferLincoln
    Instagram: drjenniferlincoln
  • Radical Teen Medicine: Dr. Elena Galindo is a pediatrician MD dedicated to adolescents who talks in a fun way about stuff high school health classes never taught.
    TikTok @radicalteenmedicine
    Instagram radicalteenmedicine
  • Mamadoctorjones: Danielle Jones, MD Board Certified Obstetrician & Gynecologist. Dr. Jones shares videos with empowering, entertaining education about women & AFAB health.
    TikTok: Mamadoctorjones
    Youtube: Mama Doctor Jones
  • Annex Teen Clinic: The Annex Teen Clinic helps young people take charge of their sexual health by providing confidential health services and education. On their Instagram, you can get to know the team, learn about events, and keep updated on their workshops and fundraising events.
    Instagram: annexteenclinic
  • MyHealth Clinic: MyHealth Clinic is an Adolescent-friendly clinic in Minnesota that offers Clinic-Based Programs (comprehensive, preventative, and youth-focused medical services) and education in the community. Their TikTok provides health information for youth 12-26 years old.
    TikTok @myhealthmntt
    Instagram: myhealthmn
  • Family Tree Clinic: Reproductive Health clinic located in Minneapolis that believes Education is a tool for prevention and better overall health. Their education department focuses on teaching comprehensive sex education classes in schools, community settings, colleges, and groups in correctional facilities.
    Instagram: familytreeclinic
  • Planned Parenthood: Planned Parenthood is a trusted healthcare provider, educator, and passionate advocate here in the U.S. as well as a strong partner to health and rights organizations around the world. They ensure all people have access to the care and resources they need to make informed decisions about their bodies, their lives, and their futures.
    TikTok @plannedparenthood
    Instagram plannedparenthood
    Instagram Planned Parenthood Minnesota: plannedparenthoodmn
  • Hey Jane Health: medication abortion, birth control, emergency contraception & vaginal infections treatment from the comfort of your phone.
    TikTok @heyjanehealth
    Instagram: heyjanehealth
  • Karen Tang MD: Dr. Tang is a board-certified gynecologist and minimally invasive gynecologic surgeon. She offers educational videos about period health, pelvic pain, gender-affirming healthcare, and reproductive rights. Her goal is to break down the stigma around reproductive health and empower people to understand their own bodies and take control of their health.
    TikTok @karentangmd
    Instagram: karentangmd
  • Sex Edu: Sriha Srinivasan, a 20-year-old UCLA grad, native and daughter of Indian immigrants, addresses everything from college hookup culture and sexual pleasure to debunking virginity — plus, she educates her audience on topics like emergency contraception, and reproductive rights.
    TikTok: @sexedu
  • LexxSexDoc: Dr. Lexx Brown-James, LMFT, CSE, CSES is a sexologist leading the field of sexuality with innovative sex therapy skills.
    TikTok: @lexxsexdoc
    Instagram: lexxsexdoc
  • Oliviajulianna: Olivia is a young Latina activist from Texas who encourages civic engagement on issues such as abortion rights and climate change. She was named one of the 50 Most Influential of 2022 by Bloomberg Media.
    TikTok: @0liviajulianna
    Instagram: 0liviajulianna
  • The Vulva Gallery: is a series of illustrations celebrating the vulva in all its diversity all over the world. The Vulva Gallery is body-positive, gender-inclusive, and welcomes all.
  • AlokVMenon: Alok Vaid-Menon (they/them) is an internationally renowned gender non-conforming writer, performance artist, poet, comedian, and public speaker. As a mixed-media artist, their work explores themes of trauma, belonging, and the human condition.
    TikTok: Alokvmenon
    Instagram: alokvmenon

General Health

  • Medicine Explained: an educational page dedicated to teens with interesting facts about medical topics. Two doctors help to understand the body in an easy and entertaining way and teach healthy habits
    TikTok: Medicineexplained
    Instagram: medicine.explained
  • Dr. Leslie: Dr. Rose Marie Leslie is a Minnesotan Board Certified Family Physician known as a funny, relatable, and reliable source of medical information.
    TikTok: @drleslie
    Instagram: drleslie_md
  • The Pelvic Dancefloor: Dr. Alicia Jeffrey-Thomas is a pelvic floor physical therapist who teaches about the group of muscles located in the pelvis, including a guide to peeing.
    TikTok: @thepelvicdancefloor
    Instagram: thepelvicdancefloor
  • Dr. Emeka: Medical Doctor passionate about improving health and exercise
    TikTok: @Doctor.Emeka
    Instagram: doctor.emeka
  • Epidemiologist Kat: Dr. Katrine Wallace is an epidemiologist, and she defines herself as a professional nerd and interpreter of data. She debunks health misinformation on social media
    TikTok: @ epidemiologistkat
    Instagram: @epidemiologistkat
  • Hennepin Healthcare (HH): It is an integrated system of care that includes a nationally recognized Level I Adult and Pediatric Trauma Center, an acute care hospital, and a clinic system with primary care clinics a clinic system with primary care clinics located across Hennepin County. Learn more about HH’s services, staff, and events.
    Instagram: hennepinhc
  • Dr. Ryan – dermatologist: Dr. Ryan commonly talks about common dermatological conditions such as acne, rosacea, eczema, and psoriasis. He also talks about how to keep your skin looking, feeling, and acting healthy with anti-aging discussions relevant to your age and skin type.
    TikTok @dr__Ryan
    Instagram: dr.__ryan
  • Black Nutritionist: Kera Nyemb-Diop, PhD discusses nutrition and decolonizes nutrition advice
    TikTok: @black.nutritionist
    Instagram: @black.nutritionist
  • Minnesota Clinic Escorts: started by the Duluth MN Clinic volunteer escorts, captures in streaming video clips a day-in-the-life vibe of the work they do and what they face as they do it escorting patients, including a count of layers worn to keep warm at 10 below.
    TikTok: @wehealthduluth
  • Your Dietitian BFF: Clara Nosek, a registered dietitian-nutritionist, talks about diet culture and how to be food-neutral.
    TikTok @yourdietitianbff
    Instagram: yourdietitianbff
  • Your Latina Nutritionist: Dalina Soto is a Latina registered dietitian and intuitive eating expert who helps heal relationships with food, find health, eat without guilt, and embrace culture.
    TikTok: @yourlatinanutritionist
    Instagram: your.latina.nutritionist
  • Youthlinkmn: Minneapolis-based nonprofit that provides resources to young people (16-24) experiencing homelessness.
    Instagram: youthlinkmn


  • Good Byes: Justine Ang Fonte, M.Ed., MPH, provides customized boundary scripts for your (dating) life.
    Instagram: _good.byes_
  • NO MORE: NO MORE’s mission is to unite and strengthen a diverse, global community to help end domestic violence, sexual assault, and abuse.
    Instagram: nomoreorg
  • Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MNCASA) provides leadership and resources for programs and allies to prevent and respond to sexual violence.
    Instagram: mncasa
  • Nedra Tawwab: Nedra Glover Tawwab is a licensed therapist and bestselling relationship and boundaries expert.
    TikTok: nedratawwab
    Instagram: nedratawwab

Mental Health

  • The Truth Doctor: Dr. Courtney Tracy, also known as "The Truth Doctor," is a licensed clinical social worker, Doctor of Clinical Psychology, autistic human, recovered borderline, and in her TikTok she teaches people what it means to be human.
  • Lindsey Fleming LPC: Lindsey Fleming is a Licensed Therapist widely regarded as one of the trailblazers in modern mental health prevention and de-stigmatization work on TikTok.
    Instagram lindsay.fleminglpc
  • Micheline Maalouf: Micheline is a neurodivergent Syrian-American therapist who talks about c-PTSD, Trauma, Anxiety, Panic, ADHD, and more.
    TikTok: @micheline.maalouf
    Instagram: micheline.maalouf
  • Dr. Inna: Inna Kanevsky is a PhD and professor in psychology who uses her social media accounts to educate the masses about what psychology really is, and is not, about. She debunks pop psychology trends
    TikTok: dr.inna
    Instagram: _dr_inna
  • Dr. Kojo: Kojo Sarfo is a mental health nurse practitioner and psychotherapist who combines his medical background and his talent for TikTok to create relatable, helpful, and inspiring videos about mental health.
    TikTok: Dr. Kojo
    Instagram: drkojosarfo
  • millennial.therapist: Dr. Sara Kuburic is an existential psychotherapist, consultant, writer, and columnist for USA Today. She specializes in identity, relationships, and moral trauma.
    Instagram: millennial.therapist
  • Somaticwitch: Queer EMDR Certified Trauma Therapist, somatic healer, and sex educator. Andrea specializes in treating trauma and PTSD for women, survivors, and queer & trans folks.
    Instagram: somaticwitch


Movement Resources

School/Student Resources (college focused)

Other Resources

  • My Life, My Quit Teen Program - Quit Partner: If you’re a teen between 13–17 and you want help quitting vaping, smoking, or using other commercial tobacco products, this completely free and confidential program is for you. Talk or text with coaches and get other resources to help you when you are ready to quit nicotine.
  • This is Quitting The first-of-its-kind program to help young people quit vaping. This is Quitting has helped over 600,000 youth and young adults on their journey to quit vaping. Learn more about how it works and the additional resources available for parents of young vapers and adults who want to quit. Teens and young adults can join for free by texting DITCHVAPE to 88709
  • QuitStart is a free app for teens who want to quit smoking. Also, check out the website at
  • Youth internships at Pillsbury United Communities Paid internships for young people that offer the opportunity to earn while they learn. Interns are paid to work as part of a team, often addressing an issue impacting their community.
  • YMCA Pathways The Career Pathways Program is designed to provide youth ages 14–24 who historically have faced systemic barriers to employment the opportunity to be introduced into the workforce by getting an internship at the Y.
  • Achieve Step Up Each year, Step Up trains and places hundreds of Minneapolis high school youth in paid internships and other career opportunities with over 200 Twin Cities employers.
  • City of Minneapolis Step Up They help Minneapolis-area teens and young adults get jobs. And we bring youth, skill, and diversity to the workforce. Employment Training/Education Planning
  • AVIVO Youth Employment Services Avivo’s youth and young adult employment programs offer a number of job and career training services for no cost to youth and young adults ages 14-24 in Minneapolis and the Twin Cities metro area. Programs help youth and young adults to find employment and complete their education.
  • Urban Boatbuilders Their paid apprenticeship program is specifically designed to provide young people with the skills and work history necessary to land them quality jobs or educational opportunities upon graduation.
  • Minnesota State Careerwise Youth apprenticeships are state-approved programs designed to provide the skills necessary for lifelong learning and career advancement.
  • Community Education/GED/English programs
  • Homework help and tutors Find homework resources for K-12 students online and at all Hennepin County libraries: history, language arts, math, science, and more.
  • Minneapolis Community Education Youth Programs deliver a wide range of high-quality enrichment learning opportunities during out-of-school time (after school, release days, and summer) for youth in grades K-12 at Minneapolis Public School locations across the city as well as online to ensure all students have access to high-quality programs.
  • Anoka-Hennepin Community Education youth-focused programs and services.
  • Osseo Area Schools - District 279: Youth - Community Education
  • Robbinsdale Community Education
  • Richfield Public Schools Community Education

Printable Resources

Additional Resources

Tool Kit Site Disabilities

Tools for caregivers of teens with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This toolkit will help raise awareness about the important role parents and caregivers play in discussing sexual health with their children with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Rhnic Website Teens

Resources to have important - but sometimes sensitive- conversations. This website offers information designed to prepare caregivers to have conversations with their teens about sex and other sensitive topics.

Gender Diverse Teens

Resources for caregivers of gender diverse and transgender children. Some children do not identify with either gender. They may feel like they are somewhere in between or have no gender. It is natural for caregivers to ask if it is "just a phase." But there is no easy answer. Learn more about gender identity, sexual orientation, and how to respond as a caregiver.

Find several articles for both teens and parents on the Here for Life Blog.


Call or text this number: 612-368-1611
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Between Us is a grant-funded program from the Minnesota Department of Health and the City of Minneapolis. 

Do you have a question? Our professional medical staff answers some tough and often confusing questions.