Telling stories. Sharing ideas. Healthy advice.

rocks with a plant and sun, what is lifestyle medicine, changing your behavior, changing your diet, changing your habits, science of behavior, dr shawn olson

What is lifestyle medicine?

Your behavior and lifestyle play a very important role in your health and can have a great impact on how your body deals with diseases.

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group of worry monsters, worry monsters, stuffed animal, creature with a zipper for a mouth, write down their worries, katie o’hearn, child life specialist

Worry monsters

When the COVID pandemic began, volunteers began making masks. They were in high demand and gratefully accepted.

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provider with john and his wife in front of xray, young healthy and at risk for a heart attack, vomited several times, burning lungs, heart hurt, 90 percent blockage of left anterior descending artery, michael konstantinides, tombstoning, cardiac rehab program

Young, healthy – and at risk for a heart attack?

John Grudnowski is a 44-year-old marketing executive who works out 3-4 times a week. He had no apparent risk factors for a heart attack.

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paramedics with cora, Paramedics re-unite with 5-year old Cora a lucky girl, hennepin ems paramedics, scotty crawford, nick linder, pediatric level one trauma center

Paramedics re-unite with 5-year old Cora, a lucky girl

Cora Stabler is a sweet, normal 5 year old little girl. On May 8th of 2021, Cora took a fall down 15 steps and was seriously injured.

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paramedic training group, new paramedics closer to graduating, hennepin ems paramedic training program, fisdap, waives the cost of training, paramedic training

New paramedics closer to graduating

These 23 EMTs have now passed their written exams, called the FISDAP – well known in the paramedic community.

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bob with his wife in the hennepin stroke center, stroke recovery challenges 83-year-old marathon runner, robert “bob” nepple, befast, know the signs of stroke, hennepin sroke center

Stroke recovery challenges 83-year-old marathon runner

He’s been on the run since he was 12 years old – and had no plans to slow down until a recent illness brought him to Hennepin Healthcare.

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young boy receiving vaccinations from doctor, why are childhood vaccines so important, vaccines protect your child, vaccines protect others, babies are the most vulnerable to illness, herd immunity, dr christine tompkins

Why are childhood vaccines so important?

As we emerge from this COVID haze, it is a great time to get your children caught up on their routine immunizations.

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jim in the knapp rehabilitation center, skull fracture causes frightening tbi, traumatic brain injury, craniotomy, extensive bleeding, traumatic brain injury outpatient program, dr stephen dunlop, dr bergman, dr galicich, dr tonkin, hyperbaric oxygen brain injury treatment

Skull fracture causes frightening TBI – but nothing scary about seamless care

As a nurse at a local hospital, Jeanne Leach has worked with families caring for loved ones with a health emergency.

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large clouds with the sun behind them, telehealth teamwork during a pandemic, implementing telehealth and the IT infrastructure, humor can help with stress, national suicide prevention lifeline, crisis text line, amy mensch

Telehealth, teamwork, and other silver linings during a pandemic

Every year, May is identified as Mental Health Awareness Month. The past year has been extremely difficult.

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donate life logo, donate life, registering to be a donor, living donor kidney program, lifesource, transplant list, wall of heroes

Donate Life

In the case of someone having a traumatic life-ending event, are you ready to donate your organs to save someone’s life?

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covid-19 vaccine graphic, dr caitlin eccles-radtke, viruses do what they do, new flu vaccines every year, new strains of covid-19, helping the body develop immunity, getting people vaccinated

Viruses do what they do. That’s why we need to be ready.

“Mutating viruses” sounds like a punk-rock band from the 1980s or the subject of a sci-fi movie. But it describes the very nature of viruses.

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woman at home thinking about working with a weight management specialist, dr galloway-gilliam, comprehensive weight management clinic, staying healthy while staying inside, avoid processed foods, adequate sleep, health and wellness or exercise experts, address weight management in a way that fits your needs

Staying healthy…while staying inside

With many of us staying inside most days, especially during the winter months, managing a healthy weight can be more challenging than ever.

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woman wearing red for national wear red day, go red for women, wear red day, women and heart disease, raise awareness of heart disease, prevention of heart disease and stroke, national heart, lung and blood institute, american heart association, the heart truth, heart healthy tips

Go red for women or just wear red day, which is it?

Remember when the first Friday of February was designated as Go Red for Women and they had the little red dress pin?

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graphic of no pain network in minnesota, Department of Health and Human Services, Arti Prasad, MD, FACP, Richard Printon, DC, moving beyond opioids, integrative services for chronic pain care, no pain, non-opioid pain alleviation information network, alternatives to opioids for chronic pain management

Moving beyond opioids to complementary and integrative services for chronic pain care

In 2018, two million people in the US suffered from an opioid use and more than 130 people died every day from opioid-related drug overdoses.

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New faces in Hennepin EMS, recruiting paramedics, recruiting emergency medicine staff, clark edblad, caleb pesola, emts, classroom simulation

New faces in Hennepin EMS

Because of a shortage of emergency medical technicians on a state and national level, Hennepin EMS has had to get creative to recruit.

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female healthcare staff wearing personal protective equipment, speech therapists, speech-language pathologists on the front lines, COVID-affected patients, speaking and swallowing conditions of patients, ppe, kate bangston, personal protective equipment, Passy Muir Speaking Valve

Speech therapists (speech-language pathologists) on the front lines

Front-line workers are overwhelmed treating our COVID afflicted patients. But it’s not just doctors and nurses that are on the front line.

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weights in physical therapy gym, Physical therapy after COVID, problems with strength, fatigue, balance, rehabilitation for patients with COVID, megan meyer

Physical therapy after COVID

Physical therapists, especially those who specialize in neuro-therapy, are seeing a lot of patients who are recovering from COVID-19.

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young woman receiving acupuncture, Acupuncture and acupressure during pregnancy, decreasing pain and stress during pregnancy, improving birth outcomes, back and hip pain, traditional chinese medicine, yoga and meditation

Acupuncture and acupressure during pregnancy; decreasing pain and stress, improving birth outcomes

A woman’s body goes through so many changes during pregnancy. Quality and restful sleep become more difficult to obtain.

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pam ruis with mask, shield, and gown next to her car, The closest to being cared for is to care for someone else, hospital visit, long term care, home health care nursing, a circle of trust

The closest to being cared for, is to care for someone else

Pam provides home health care to our patients which includes a range of medical, social, assistive and other services.

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pregnant woman sitting on couch and holding her belly, Women’s health physical therapy is restoration and strength, incontinence, sciatica, pelvic care after pregnancy, labor and delivery position, beth stegora, breastfeeding support

Women’s health physical therapy is restoration and strength

It feels like no one told me what would happen to my body. But being pregnant possibly made me tune out what others were saying.

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