Telling stories. Sharing ideas. Healthy advice.

pregnant teen holding her belly, teen pregnancy, pregnant teens, baby blues for pregnant teens, teenage pregnancy, mental health support for pregnant teens

Teen pregnancy and mental health

For teens, pregnancy can impact their mental health in drastic ways that differ from older pregnancy experiences.

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megan ireland with her family, american heart month highlights employee story, congestive heart failure story, cardiomyopathy, heart transplant story

American heart month highlights employee patient story

Megan has struggled with many medical problems, including congestive heart failure which is due to her postpartum cardiomyopathy.

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hennepin healthcare ambulance in front of us bank stadium, visitor from ny gets frostbite, hyperbaric treatment for frostbite, outpatient wound care, firefighters for healing

Frostbite sidelines patient visiting from New York

David was sidelined at the football game when he spent time outside in brutally cold conditions without gloves.

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kidney transplant patient, duwayne virnig, kidney recipient, longest living kidney transplant patient

The longest living HCMC kidney transplant patient

DuWayne Virnig of Little Falls, MN is Hennepin Healthcare’s longest living kidney transplant patient, at the age of 82.

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man walking in snow, hospice patient, lung disease patient, end of life care, comfort care, palliative care patient

A day to carry with me forever

A hospice nurse discovers gratitude for life, love, and people as she keeps vigil over a dying patient.

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young girl looking at her arm with a bandaid after getting a covid vaccine, childhood vaccinations, vaccines for kids, teen vaccines, covid vaccine, covid prevention for children

Top ten reasons to vaccinate your child against COVID

Have you vaccinated your children against COVID? Vaccines are available for all kids ages six months and older.

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teens showing their hands in a circle, gen z speak, slang and language through emojis and tech, emoji keyboards, generation z, between us teens, jill collins, lydia shields

Gen Z speak: Slang and language through emojis and tech

No matter your age, there is a word or words to describe “cool.” In fact, the word “cool” itself has been used by many generations.

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Two donors hold up the donate life flag, kidney donor, transplant recipient, donate life, transplant program, non-directed donor, jose amigon tlatenchi

Kidney donor and grateful transplant recipient join Donate Life ceremonies

As we celebrate Donate Life month in April, we annually raise the Donate Life flag in a celebration on our campus.

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grateful patient smiling after surgery, farewell to an appendix, grateful patient, emergency surgery, michael voges, tummy aches

Farewell to an appendix: Grateful patient documents emergency surgery by Michael Voges

One night I had a tummy ache. My wife, of course, immediately proclaimed I should go to the ER because it was probably my appendix.

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Jerry with paramedics, Hennepin EMS Paramedics reunite with a grateful patient, discomfort in chest, advanced life support, cath lab, widow makerJason Robarge, Aaron McAllister, paramedics

Hennepin EMS Paramedics reunite with a grateful patient

When Jerry Martin got on his bike for his morning ride from Victoria to Shorewood this past June, it seemed like another routine bike ride.

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group of worry monsters, worry monsters, stuffed animal, creature with a zipper for a mouth, write down their worries, katie o’hearn, child life specialist

Worry monsters

When the COVID pandemic began, volunteers began making masks. They were in high demand and gratefully accepted.

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provider with john and his wife in front of xray, young healthy and at risk for a heart attack, vomited several times, burning lungs, heart hurt, 90 percent blockage of left anterior descending artery, michael konstantinides, tombstoning, cardiac rehab program

Young, healthy – and at risk for a heart attack?

John Grudnowski is a 44-year-old marketing executive who works out 3-4 times a week. He had no apparent risk factors for a heart attack.

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young girl with life preserver with instructor and other children learning to swim, children and water safety, drowning leading cause of death in children, recognition of risk associated with water, floatation device, child water safety

Children and water safety

As a Level I Pediatric Trauma Center, our role is to care for children who are injured or ill and provide education to prevent injuries.

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paramedics with cora, Paramedics re-unite with 5-year old Cora a lucky girl, hennepin ems paramedics, scotty crawford, nick linder, pediatric level one trauma center

Paramedics re-unite with 5-year old Cora, a lucky girl

Cora Stabler is a sweet, normal 5 year old little girl. On May 8th of 2021, Cora took a fall down 15 steps and was seriously injured.

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hennepin healthcare ambulance on green lawn, ready to respond to life’s emergencies, hennepin ems ambulance, car accident, emergency room transport, josh nichols

Ready to respond to life’s emergencies

Josh Nichols was driving to work on June 1 when he experienced a medical emergency, his truck hit a tree, and rolled in a ditch.

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jim in the knapp rehabilitation center, skull fracture causes frightening tbi, traumatic brain injury, craniotomy, extensive bleeding, traumatic brain injury outpatient program, dr stephen dunlop, dr bergman, dr galicich, dr tonkin, hyperbaric oxygen brain injury treatment

Skull fracture causes frightening TBI – but nothing scary about seamless care

As a nurse at a local hospital, Jeanne Leach has worked with families caring for loved ones with a health emergency.

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robert a nabors in the clinic, Cutting it close with COVID, end-stage renal disease, covid 19 infection, kidney transplant surgeries, black in minneapolis, robert a. nabors

Cutting it close with COVID

The friendliest barber in town is also one of the nicest transplant patients. He’s Robert A. Nabors, owner of Nabors Cuts in Maplewood.

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young woman receiving acupuncture, Acupuncture and acupressure during pregnancy, decreasing pain and stress during pregnancy, improving birth outcomes, back and hip pain, traditional chinese medicine, yoga and meditation

Acupuncture and acupressure during pregnancy; decreasing pain and stress, improving birth outcomes

A woman’s body goes through so many changes during pregnancy. Quality and restful sleep become more difficult to obtain.

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Parents, let’s unite and talk to our kids about bullying

It can be easy to think that bullying is an issue of the past, but kids are much more accepting these days than in previous generations.

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ducati, 50 years ago today, don bania, motorcycle accident, neck injury, quadriplegic, paralyzed, icu

50 years ago today by Don Bania

Patient stories are one of the great things we get out of working at Hennepin Healthcare. This story came in and touched our hearts.

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