Telling stories. Sharing ideas. Healthy advice.

female healthcare staff wearing personal protective equipment, speech therapists, speech-language pathologists on the front lines, COVID-affected patients, speaking and swallowing conditions of patients, ppe, kate bangston, personal protective equipment, Passy Muir Speaking Valve

Speech therapists (speech-language pathologists) on the front lines

Front-line workers are overwhelmed treating our COVID afflicted patients. But it’s not just doctors and nurses that are on the front line.

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pregnant woman holding her belly in subway, covid vaccine for pregnant people, should i get the covid vaccine if i am pregnant, covid vaccine when pregnant

I’m pregnant. Should I get the COVID-19 vaccine?

For most people, getting the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible is the safest choice. Pregnant individuals may have some questions.

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woman's slippers on the couch during the holidays, How to cope with grief during the holidays, coping with grief and loss, create rituals and memorials, national alliance of grieving children, grieving a loved one during the holidays, Kenneth J. Doka, PhD, MD, Julia Rajtar

How to cope with grief during the holidays

Kenneth J. Doka, PhD, MD, encourages us to practice the 3 C’s during the holiday season:  Choose, Communicate, and Compromise.

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weights in physical therapy gym, Physical therapy after COVID, problems with strength, fatigue, balance, rehabilitation for patients with COVID, megan meyer

Physical therapy after COVID

Physical therapists, especially those who specialize in neuro-therapy, are seeing a lot of patients who are recovering from COVID-19.

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robert a nabors in the clinic, Cutting it close with COVID, end-stage renal disease, covid 19 infection, kidney transplant surgeries, black in minneapolis, robert a. nabors

Cutting it close with COVID

The friendliest barber in town is also one of the nicest transplant patients. He’s Robert A. Nabors, owner of Nabors Cuts in Maplewood.

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five children looking at the camera in a huddle, celebrating world children’s day, encourage children to participate, provide, protect, participate, books in multiple languages, achieve their health and personal goals

Celebrating World Children’s Day: Our commitment

November 20, 2020, is the 61st anniversary of the World’s Children’s Day, which commemorates the Declaration of the Rights of the Child.

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national injury prevention day infographic, Injury Free Prevention Day is November 18, level 1 pediatric trauma center, preventing injury to children, dr andrew kiragu, julie philbrook

Injury Free Prevention Day is November 18

Injuries are the leading cause of death and disability to U.S. children. Every day, 20 children die from preventable injuries.

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young woman receiving acupuncture, Acupuncture and acupressure during pregnancy, decreasing pain and stress during pregnancy, improving birth outcomes, back and hip pain, traditional chinese medicine, yoga and meditation

Acupuncture and acupressure during pregnancy; decreasing pain and stress, improving birth outcomes

A woman’s body goes through so many changes during pregnancy. Quality and restful sleep become more difficult to obtain.

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pam ruis with mask, shield, and gown next to her car, The closest to being cared for is to care for someone else, hospital visit, long term care, home health care nursing, a circle of trust

The closest to being cared for, is to care for someone else

Pam provides home health care to our patients which includes a range of medical, social, assistive and other services.

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teen couple walking and holding hands outside, let’s talk, ten tips for talking with teens about relationships and sexual health, gender-inclusive language, between us, how to talk to teens about sex, Janna Gewirtz O’Brien

“Let’s Talk”: Ten tips for talking with teens about relationships and sexual health

Sexual development is a natural part of adolescence. Adolescents begin to feel “crushes” and sexual attraction.

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kids with pumpkin candy holder, Creativity is a must, halloween fun and safe for kids, fun and safe celebration, Harvard Global Health Institute, covid risk level, leslie king-schultz, Centers for Disease Control, Minnesota Department of Health

Creativity is a must to keep Halloween fun (and safe) for kids this year

While kids are focused on the costumes, candy and pumpkin carving, parents have the worry and threat of coronavirus to contend with.

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Parents, let’s unite and talk to our kids about bullying

It can be easy to think that bullying is an issue of the past, but kids are much more accepting these days than in previous generations.

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pregnant woman sitting on couch and holding her belly, Women’s health physical therapy is restoration and strength, incontinence, sciatica, pelvic care after pregnancy, labor and delivery position, beth stegora, breastfeeding support

Women’s health physical therapy is restoration and strength

It feels like no one told me what would happen to my body. But being pregnant possibly made me tune out what others were saying.

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young child on atv, Dr. Stephen Smith, American Academy of Pediatrics, julie philbrook, Children injured in ATV accidents on the rise, too young to have a driver’s license, wearing helmets, accident prevention, injury prevention

Children injured in ATV accidents on the rise

The summer of 2020 was unique for many reasons – due to an increased number of all-terrain vehicle (ATV) accidents reported in children.

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ambulance, Hennepin EMS community paramedics, mvna, COVID-19 community testing, salvation army harbor light, populations at higher risk, Higher Ground, The Glenwood, People Serving People, Cedar/Riverside public housing, Dr. Danielle Robertshaw, Caren Gaytko, Dr. John Hick

Hennepin EMS community paramedics and MVNA lead the charge in COVID-19 community testing

Many of us have heard the phrase, “It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon” when it comes to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Your flu shot can protect everyone

With the flu season rapidly approaching, there’s still no cure for COVID-19. You might be thinking, “The flu is not as deadly as COVID-19.”

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ducati, 50 years ago today, don bania, motorcycle accident, neck injury, quadriplegic, paralyzed, icu

50 years ago today by Don Bania

Patient stories are one of the great things we get out of working at Hennepin Healthcare. This story came in and touched our hearts.

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dalton at home playing an in a wheelchair at the hospital, nine year old water skier’s leg saved in a boat propeller accident, orthopedic surgeon, suffered serious injuries, dr jacqueline geissler, peter leafblad, dr nick simpson

Nine year old water skier’s leg saved in a boat propeller accident

Dalton loves to water ski. His family was up at their lake home when a boat propeller accident turned a great day sour.

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broken glass next to a car crash, speeding through the pandemic, fatal crashes are up significantly, trauma prevention on the road, lack of seatbelt use, minnesota department of public safety

Speeding (literally) through the pandemic

Do you remember when you used to drive to work and then home again? You would get back on the road to do errands or meet friends for a meal?

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richfield clinic staff, covid 19 pandemic, richfield clinic experience, virtual visits, COVID-19 testing, all in this together, dr dana barr, family medicine clinic

COVID-19 Pandemic: Our Richfield Clinic Experience

Much of what we hear about COVID-19 comes from the hospital perspective with particular attention paid to intensive care units.

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