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Clinical Laboratory

Clinical Chemistry

Clinical Chemistry

Hennepin Healthcare’s Clinical Chemistry Laboratory is a highly automated, high-volume laboratory that provides STAT and routine testing 24 hours a day, seven days a week for HCMC hospital, Hennepin Healthcare clinics, and other Hennepin County Services. The laboratory testing menu includes automated chemistry, blood gases, cardiac markers, hepatitis, HIV, tumor markers, autoimmunity, infectious disease, allergy, and endocrine testing.

  • Amy Saenger, PhD, DABCC
    Medical Director of Clinical Laboratories, Clinical Chemistry, Toxicology, and Point of Care Testing
    612-873-8709[email protected]
Hematology & Coagulation

Hematology & Coagulation

Hennepin Healthcare’s Hematology Laboratory offers a broad spectrum of tests both routine and specialized, for the workup of hematologic disorders. The Hematology Section of the Core Laboratory is involved in the analysis of the cellular elements of blood and body fluids. In addition to high-volume automated hematology tests, the lab performs a wide variety of specialized testing including hemoglobin and serum electrophoresis. Blood, bone marrow, and tissues are interpreted using morphologic findings and flow cytometry to yield a final comprehensive report utilizing the expertise contained in Hennepin Healthcare’s facility. Routine macroscopic and/or microscopic urinalysis examination, crystal identification, and various kit testing are also available.

  • Dr. Katy Park, MD, Medical Director

Hemostasis Laboratory

Along with high-volume automated coagulation tests, the Hemostasis and Thrombosis Laboratory maintains a comprehensive menu of specialized tests to investigate coagulation protein abnormalities, fibrinolytic disorders, and platelet function defects.


Microbiology & Molecular Diagnostics

The Hennepin Healthcare Microbiology Laboratory includes Microbiology, Mycobacteriology, and Molecular Diagnostics.

The Microbiology Laboratory provides a full range of services including in diagnosis of bacterial, viral, mycotic, and parasitic infections, including extensive testing and reporting of antimicrobial susceptibility results.

The Mycobacteriology Laboratory diagnoses TB and TB-like diseases and performs anti-mycobacterial susceptibility testing on isolates. T-Spot® TB Test, a blood test for the detection of active and latent TB Infection is also available. Clinical microbiology operates 7 days/a week.

The Molecular Diagnostics laboratory offers specialized testing for the diagnosis of infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, and certain other conditions. Diagnosis of HIV and hepatitis infections is routinely performed. 

The test menu for the Molecular Diagnostics section includes:

  • 16s rDNA bacterial sequencing
  • BK virus detection
  • Bordetella pertussis PCR Detection
  • Clostridium difficile Toxin by PCR (C. diff)
  • Cytomegalovirus - CMV PCR Quant, Viral Load, Quantitative CMV
  • Enterovirus PCR Detection
  • Factor V Leiden DNA Screen
  • GC/chlamydia by Amplification testing on urogenital, urine, throat, and rectal specimens
  • Hepatitis C virus, PCR
  • Hepatitis B virus, PCR
  • HIV quantification
  • HIV genotyping
  • HPV DNA detection
  • Integrase genotyping
  • Mycoplasma hominis PCR
  • Mycoplasma genitalium molecular testing
  • Prothrombin gene mutation
  • Respiratory virus panel (RVP), 13 virus panel
  • TB PCR with molecular drug resistance molecular testing
  • Trichomonas Vaginalis Detection by Amplification
  • Ureaplasma parvum detection
  • Ureaplasma urealyticum detection
Flow Cytometry

Flow Cytometry

The Flow Cytometry Section provides a 10-color state-of-the-art analysis to assess leukemia and lymphoma in blood, bone marrow, and a variety of tissues. The final pathologist report includes interpretation of flow cytometry data and correlation with additional testing. Immunodeficiency testing is performed on whole blood sample reporting absolute total lymphocytes and T, B, and NK absolute numbers.

The Transfusion Service performs routine and stat compatibility testing including blood typing, antibody screens, antibody identification, and crossmatching. The department supports the wide transfusion needs of the hospital from the level one trauma service and the burn center to the neonatal intensive care unit and the cancer center.

The transfusion service annually supports ~10,000 blood components including packed red blood cells, fresh frozen plasma, platelet apheresis, and cryoprecipitate. In addition, the Transfusion Service provides blood derivative products including Rh Immune Globulin and coagulation factor concentrates. They are also involved in the storage and distribution of human-derived tissue, skin and bone products.

Clinical Laboratory

Labs support of the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of patient clinical conditions.


Full-service lab offering high-quality analyses, biopsies, and products of conception. 

Neuromuscular Pathology

Quality interpretation of neuromuscular biopsy specimens.

Renal Pathology

Available 24/7 and offer quality, timely interpretations of patient renal biopsies.


Clinical, emergency and forensic toxicology, ethanol and therapeutic drug monitoring.


Hennepin Healthcare Laboratory Customer Service

[email protected]