35W Bridge collapse survivor to sign books at HCMC on August 1

by Hennepin Healthcare

Sonja and Garrett Ebling with their son, Cooper, and dog, Chauncey.

On the 5-year anniversary of the 35W bridge collapse, author, survivor, and former journalist Garrett Ebling will be at the HCMC Gift Shop on the street level of its Red Building to sign and promote copies of his new book, Collapsed, from 11 AM to 1 PM on Wednesday, Aug. 1.

“We spent many weeks at HCMC following the collapse and are still so full of gratitude for the EXCELLENT treatment Garrett received, and the kindness given to all of his family and supporters,” says Ebling’s wife, Sonja.

The author will sign his books in HCMC’s Red Building Gift Shop, located inside the entrance at 717  South 7th St. or 730 S. 8th St., just steps away from the emergency department where an ambulance brought Ebling to HCMC for care back in 2007.

is Ebling’s personal story of recovery as well as the stories of other survivors of the tragedy. For more information, go to www.35Wbridgecollapse.com.