Is weight loss surgery right for you?

by Hennepin Healthcare

Hartley Guilford

Dr. Guilford Hartley

“Thirty percent of adults in the United States are overweight,” explains weight loss treatment expert Dr. Guilford Hartley in a recent Healthy Matters podcast. “And one person out of every 20 is overweight enough to be eligible for gastric bypass surgery.”

Gastric bypass surgery, gastric banding or sleeve gastrectomy makes the stomach area much smaller so less food can be absorbed. People lose weight rapidly the first year and a half after surgery. Up to 15 years post-surgery, most people retain a 50 percent weight loss.

Who should consider gastric bypass surgery?

“Anyone who is 80-100 pounds overweight, or anyone with complications from obesity like diabetes, high cholesterol, joint pain may be a candidate for surgery,” says Dr. Hartley.

” Obesity surgery is clinically proven to be effective, and it gives hope for those unable to reduce their weight through drugs or dieting.”

Informational classes are available at HCMC every Friday morning, where participants have the opportunity to meet with a bariatric surgeon and ask questions.  Call 61.2.873.6800 for an appointment.