Kelly Spratt appointed by Governor to EMS Regulatory Board

by Hennepin Healthcare

Kelly Spratt appointed by Governor to EMS Regulatory Board

Kelly Spratt, Director of Emergency Services at Hennepin County Medical Center, was recently appointed by Governor Mark Dayton to Minnesota’s Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board (EMSRB) and is now Chair of the 19-member Board.

Established by the 1995 Minnesota Legislature, the EMSRB consists of an emergency physician, a representative of a Minnesota hospital (Spratt), a fire chief, a full-time firefighter, a volunteer firefighter, an active attendant of a licensed ambu­lance service, an ambulance service director, a representative of sheriffs, a member of a local board of health, two representatives of regional emergency medical services programs, a regis­tered nurse currently practicing in a hospital emergency department, a pediatrician, a family practice physician, and a public member at least 65 years of age.  The commissioner of health, the commissioner of public safety, a state representative, and a state senator round out the Board membership.

The EMSRB is responsible for licensing ambulance services, certifying emergency medical personnel, approving EMS training programs, designating and funding eight regional EMS organizations that support emergency medical services, and administering several grant programs.

Spratt has more than 22 years of experience in health care leadership. His four-year term as a representative of Minnesota hospitals expires January 5, 2015.