Hearts in the right place at TC Marathon

by Hennepin Healthcare

When Dr. Carl Dean entered the Twin Cities Marathon, he wasn’t expecting to come in first place, but hoped to at least have a decent time. That changed when he caught up to a runner who had collapsed.

“I heard someone say, ‘I can’t feel a pulse.’ So I went over to the collapsed runner and with the help of another runner who had stopped, we started chest compressions,” explained Dr. Dean.  “It was clear that this guy was in trouble.”

After performing two rounds of CPR, someone arrived with an AED and EMS professionals took over. The patient was revived, so Dr. Dean resumed the race. When asked if he finished, he said, “Yes, but my time was awful.”

But others might agree that his timing was perfect. Well done, Dr. Dean!

See the story that aired on Fox 9 News 10/8/12