Keep cool if you have a chronic medical condition

by Hennepin Healthcare

HCMC physicians are advising that people with chronic medical conditions, like those with heart or lung problems, take extra care to avoid extreme heat conditions.

Chief of Cardiology Dr. Bradley Bart

“While there is no direct relationship between excessive heat and cardiac arrest, heat exhaustion and heat stroke can lead to cardiac arrest requiring CPR and defibrillation in some instances,” explains HCMC cardiologist Dr. Brad Bart. “Patients with chronic cardiopulmonary conditions are put under extra stress when the weather is excessively hot and this can lead to worsening heart failure, severe dyspnea, worsening angina and/or myocardial infarction.”

It’s important to check on elderly friends and family members — and those who have health concerns — when heat advisories are issued. Make sure they stay cool and are drinking enough fluids to stay hydrated.

For more hot weather safety tips, go to