TK's Story

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They truly saved me and my baby.

I had a planned induction which didn’t go as planned so I had to get an unplanned C-section. My husband and I were both anxious and I was truly scared, however, the moment I was taken to the Labor and delivery operating room, I was showered with so much love, care, and empathy by all of staff there, that I felt so safe. Throughout the procedure, which was approximately an hour, they kept checking in on me to make sure I was doing ok and that I was comfortable. Only after I was taken to the post-op room, that my husband and the nurses told me how I had lost so much blood, and that I was extremely hypotensive. Yet, the staff during the procedure was so competent that I didn’t even realize that I was in a complicated situation. They truly saved me and my baby. I would like to thank all of the teams in the OR that day and I would like to thank my nurses in the Labor and Delivery with all my heart. They are all my angels in disguise.