doctor with mom and baby

Well Child Visits

Children and teens need regular checkups to make sure their development is on track, talk about nutrition and behavior, and to get the vaccines they need to protect them from dangerous diseases.

Dr Christine Tompkins

Why are childhood vaccines so important?

Dr. Christine Tompkins, Pediatrician

As a mother of three, there are three reasons I think vaccines are so important, and why I have chosen to vaccinate my children on time. Read more about why childhood vaccines are so important.

graphic icon peds-well-care-newborn

Newborn visit

  • Assess for weight, breastfeeding
  • Check bilirubin
  • Vaccines
    • Hepatitis B (if not given at birth)
    • Nirsevimab (Oct-March, if not given previously and mother did not receive RSV immunization during pregnancy)
graphic icon peds-well-care-2-week-visit

2-4 week visit

  • Monitor infant’s growth, Complete exam
  • Assess for jaundice
  • Discuss development/safety/home life
  • Vaccines
    • Hepatitis B (if not given at birth)
    • Nirsevimab (Oct-March, if not given previously)
graphic icon peds-well-care-2-months

 2-month visit

  • Monitor infant’s growth, complete exam
  • Discuss development/safety/home life
  • Vaccines
    • DTaP/Hep B/IPV
    • Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae type B)
    • Nirsevimab (Oct-March, if not given previously)
    • PCV20 (Pneumococcal)
    • Rotavirus oral (if not given previously)
graphic icon peds-well-care-4-month-visit

4-month visit

  • Monitor infant’s growth, complete exam
  • Discuss development/safety/home life
  • Vaccines
    • DTaP/Hep B/IPV
    • Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae type B)
    • Nirsevimab (Oct-March, if not given previously)
    • PCV20 (Pneumococcal)
    • Rotavirus oral (if not given previously)
graphic icon peds-well-care-6-month-visit

6-month visit

  • Monitor infant’s growth, complete exam
  • Discuss development/safety/home life
  • Vaccines
    • COVID
    • DTaP/Hep B/IPV
    • Nirsevimab (Oct-March, if not given previously)
    • PCV20 (Pneumococcal)
    • Rotavirus oral (if not given previously)
    • Seasonal influenza (if Sept-Apr)
  • Fluoride varnish if teeth are present
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9-month visit

  • Monitor infant’s growth, complete exam
  • Discuss development/safety/home life
  • Vaccines
    • COVID (if series not complete)
    • Seasonal influenza (if Sept-Apr)
    • Update any delayed vaccines
  • Fluoride varnish if teeth are present
  • Screening: CBC and lead
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12-month visit

  • Monitor child’s growth, complete exam
  • Discuss development/safety/home life
  • Vaccines
    • COVID (if series not completed)
    • Hepatitis A
    • Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae type B)
    • MMR
    • Seasonal influenza (if Sept-Apr)
    • Varicella
  • Fluoride varnish if teeth are present
  • Screening: hemoglobin and lead (if not completed at 9 months)
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15-month visit

  • Monitor child’s growth, complete exam
  • Discuss development/safety/home life
  • Vaccines
    • COVID (if series not complete)
    • DTap
    • PCV20 (Pneumococcal)
    • Seasonal influenza (if Sept-Apr)
  • Fluoride varnish
graphic icon peds-well-care-18-months

18-month visit

  • Monitor child’s growth, complete exam
  • Discuss development/safety/home life, Autism-specific screening
  • Vaccines
    • COVID (if series not complete)
    • Hep A booster
    • Seasonal influenza (if Sept-Apr)
    • Update any delayed vaccines
  • Fluoride varnish
graphic icon peds-well-care-24-months

24-month visit

  • Monitor child’s growth, complete exam
  • Discuss development/safety/home life, Autism-specific screening
  • Vaccines
    • COVID (if series not complete)
    • Seasonal influenza (if Sept-Apr)
    • Update any delayed vaccines
  • Fluoride varnish
  • Screening: hemoglobin and lead
graphic icon 30 month visit

30-month visit

  • Monitor child’s growth, complete exam
  • Discuss
    • Development/safety/home life
    • Screen for autism (if not done previously)
  • Vaccines
    • COVID (if series not complete)
    • Seasonal influenza (if Sept-Apr)
    • Update any delayed vaccines
  • Fluoride varnish
  • Screening: hemoglobin and lead (if not done previously)
graphic icon pediatric well-care-3-4-years

3 to 4 years (annual well checks)

  • Monitor child’s growth, BMI, complete exam
  • Measure blood pressure
  • Check vision and hearing
  • Discuss development/safety/home life
  • Vaccines (Kindergarten vaccines can be given as early as age 4)
    • COVID (if series not complete)
    • Seasonal influenza vaccine (if Sept-Apr)
    • Update any delayed vaccines
  • Fluoride varnish through age 5
graphic icon pediatric well-care-5-10-years

5 to 10 years (annual well checks)

  • Monitor child’s growth, BMI, complete exam
  • Measure blood pressure
  • Check vision and hearing
  • Discuss development/school/safety/home life
  • Vaccines
    • COVID seasonal booster
    • Human Papilloma Virus (2-dose series) at age 9 or 10 years
    • Seasonal influenza (if Sept-Apr)
    • Update any delayed vaccines
  • Screening: cholesterol (9-11 years)
graphic icon pediatric well care 11-12-years

11 and 12 years (annual well checks)

  • Monitor height/weight, BMI, complete exam
  • Measure blood pressure
  • Check vision and hearing
  • Discuss
    • Development/school/safety/home life
    • Puberty/sexuality
  • Vaccines
    • COVID seasonal booster
    • HPV (if not given previously)
    • Meningococcal
    • Seasonal influenza (if Sept-Apr)
    • Tdap
  • Screening: cholesterol (if not done previously)
graphic icon pediatric well care 13-21-years

13 to 21 years (annual well checks)

  • Monitor height/weight, BMI, complete exam
  • Measure blood pressure
  • Check vision and hearing
  • Discuss development/school/safety/home life
  • Vaccines
    • COVID seasonal booster
    • Meningococcal
    • Seasonal Influenza vaccine (if Sept-Apr)
    • Tdap every 5-10 years
  • Screening: cholesterol (if not done previously)